Wednesday, May 25, 2005

deep linking it legal or illegal

Perhaps, most of us feel strange to the deep linking. Actually, deep linking refers to the practice of linking to a specific web page rather than to the homepage of a particular website.

Form the article; we easily know that deep linking enhances usability because it helps to satisfy users’ needs. Generic links, such as those to a company’s homepage, are less useful than deep links that take users directly to the specific web page they are looking for.

Whereas, there is an argument of deep linking, is it legal or illegal? The author has illustrates three example of the cases of deep linking. Actually, the internet as a new media is totally difference with the traditional media. There are not statute laws on it. The arbitrate of the courts are depends on the humanity and the respects of human beings. Form the three cases study in the article I found that the legal or illegal in the deep linking is depend on how we execute our deep-linking activities that we make it legal or not.

However, for those who against to the deep-linking activities. The author also has provide us a way to stop the deep linking in our blogs or website which to build an electronic “gate” in front of every one of our pages that checks to make sure each visitor is a registered user. But, most of websites don’t like to deep link to a site that requires registration as there are bound to be quite a few readers who will end up being frustrated when they click on a link only to find a “You must register first” message. So this technique is a pretty pragmatic way to discourage deep linking.

The reason why deep linking is important is that it’s a key feature of both online articles and weblogs. Deep linking allows the author of an article or blog entry to embed a link inside a word or a phrase. Deep linking provides a lot of convenience for online readers.
By the way, from the article i can also found that, most of New Media companies don’t mind; in fact, they deeply welcome deep links. Christopher Schroeder, the CEO and publisher of Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive (the online unit of The Washington Post Company), loves deep linking.

For an example, “I think it’s fabulous. Maybe I’m being a little naïve, but I think the more people who become aware of The Washington Post’s quality journalism, the better,” he says. “The more people who come to our site and taste us — and by tasting us find that they want to come back — is a good thing. If our journalism were misrepresented anywhere, I’d go against it right away. But having links so people will come to our site and learn more, I think is a great thing.”
(Copying form the article).

At last, I truly agree to author that. A major clampdown on deep linking would have a critical dampening effect on the web’s growth and development and we only can do is face it. “The web was created for linking, so let’s keep it that way.”

Saturday, May 14, 2005


我很想哭, 我发觉在这个时候我除了能够哭以外。我已经不能通过任何途经发泄了。

原来,当一个人受的教育越高,背上的道德观念,社会价值更多, 受到的束缚就更多了。我宁愿选择和对方吵架或是设么事情都但开来讲。但是,但你发掘只是自己一厢情愿的时候。而,又不能作出违背道德价值观的事,又没有倾诉的对象,你只能选择一个人默默的承受。哭,顿时成了唯一的发泄方式。


或许,你一定会认为我陷入这样的困境一定是我自己的个人修养,抑或是我的人格有着很大的问题。我想,也许是吧! 至少,我身边的朋友都是这样想我。也可能只是我个人认为他们这样想我。

从前,我是一个不责不扣的小霸王,脾气臭的很。或许被父母宠坏了。每次发脾气的时候,总是想一只发怒的刺猬,身上的刺都站完起来。此时,假如有人向我走进他就完了。在乱剑发射之下,他肯定会被我迁怒的。当然, 我知道这样真的很不对。所以我现在不会再无端端对朋友或是其他人发脾气了。但是, 在先入为主的情况下,我像是一个比判了死刑的罪犯,永无超身之日。但是,为什么和我一样念传播研究的朋友也会犯下刻板印象的基本错误呢?


记得,自己十三岁那年就被父母送去离家很远的学校读书,并且寄宿在哪里。在一个陌生的环境,不懂得和别人相处与分享的我害怕极了。几乎每一天都打电话家,但是每每被问及是否想家时,就会做贼心虚且很快的回答:“没有”。然后,就把电话给挂了。一句“没有”+ 不服输的心态,让我在那里呆了六个年头。庆幸的是,我并没有后悔这样的选择。

离开中学后,选择了学院生活开始了另一个旅程。自以为我在那里六个年头,就很会待人接物。原来,这样的想法是大错的错的。为什么?原来,外面的世得虚伪一点。 不能像以前那样优化直说且太白。因为大多数的人选择了假装不知道、不管他。让时间来冲淡一些得不愉快。而为此愤愤不平的你,只能选择自行解决。因为没有人愿意和你理论,甚至吵架。问题不能解决,且会累积,到最后为了让自己好过些。可能会选择忘掉。
