My secondary school

This is my secondary school view.
What I learnt from the online media management lesson
Online Media Management which a required subject to take for me as a year two media studies students.
What I learn from the lesson? I think this is a good question for me to ask myself what I really get from the lessons. It makes me to think deep about it and self-introspection to my attitude.
Actually I know that the purpose to set up this course is to introduce students the world of New Media as the Internet a virtual space that provided to public to share their information all over the world. The convenient of the internet due to the information globalization and there is no any state border through the internet.
Internet a new element--combines the best elements of print, online, audio and video. The emergence of the internet is shaking up traditional media especially the printed media which is still struggling to cope with the impact of new technologies.
So, the online activities are heavy emphasis in this course. Thus, I have learn about new way to express my own opinion through this lesson. Take an illustrate, I own my blogs after the second lesson of this class. At the beginning I feel confused that to the differences of the own blog and the own website. But I found the answer when I participated as a blogger. The blog is used to share the things to other and provided the audience to leave their opinion to it but most of the own homepages are just only “ROM” (Read Only Memory maybe ROI more suitable, stand for Read Only Information).
The similar of both of them are also sharing own for others. In my view, the bloggers may do not know how to create a homepage but people owns homepage do because there are many website provided users to create their blog now. Example like, Frindster, Flickr and many more websites company to superinduce owns public sphere as their condition to compete.
By the way, I also found that there are many things difference from last time through the internet. The rapidly of the development technology make me fright because when I using the measure web traffic before there are no such of website purposely to provided the measurer traffic. I learn to add the site meter at my blog and the measurer report will send to me weekly. Even you can know who are looking to your blog if you sign up a sitemeter charging fees. What a convenient for me …..Thank you to the technology …Otherwise the lecturer wants me to count weekly…….
The society development trends more recognition to individual nowadays. In order to regard to individual the new media also provided some of the websites to users to design their desire online newspaper. In another word, the development of the technology also encourage the individualism and the internet users are allow to personalization their own newspaper and there are allowed to put only the news which they like and disregard to the news they won’t like in their personalization newspaper. I agree to the argument shown that the encouragement of individualism may due to the split of society.
Technology legal issues also have been the lecturer discussed and teaching in the lecture class. There are variety sounds to the debating issues. The development of technology communication is faster then the emergence of the law due to the jurisdiction full of argument and the deep linking too. But, as a human if we respect to other people rights there is no anything is illegal.
There are some of the things that I learn from the lessons. On the contrary, I also learn a bad attitude in is lessons. Why do I say that? It is just a simple reason, because this a lessons named online media management. Thus, all the lecture note and the homework will post by our lecturer—Mr Oon Yeoh via our Yahoo groups. This convenient of online media also form a situation that if I absent the class I also can gain the information for the Yahoo groups. I think this is the reason why most of the student will absent in the lecture…..
Lastly, I would like to argue that. This is an online media management. We should use the technology thoroughly. I totally not agree that this lesson should be take the attendance of the students and be given mark depend on the attendants. Sir, you should feel gratified when we plenitude to use the online media.